June 2022 Q&A
Posted Sat, 11 Jun 2022 18:10:47 +0000Video on YouTubeQuestions and answers session from June, 2022.
Link list
- My dotfiles/configs: https://github.com/jonhoo/configs
- bspwm: https://github.com/baskerville/bspwm
- Safe transmutes: https://github.com/rust-lang/project-safe-transmute
- Spain map: https://muir-way.com/collections/all/products/spain-and-portugal-1879-relief-map
- Rustacean Station egui episode: https://rustacean-station.org/episode/emil-ernerfeldt/
- Strict provenance: https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/issues/95228
- Ralf’s article on provenance: https://www.ralfj.de/blog/2020/12/14/provenance.html
- Removing scoped threads: https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/issues/24292
- Adding back scoped threads: https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/issues/93203
- VIM adventure game: https://vim-adventures.com/
- mem::forget is safe: https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/issues/24456
- NLL: https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/issues/57895
- Hazard pointer library: https://docs.rs/haphazard/
- Blood on the Clocktower: https://bloodontheclocktower.com/
- My board game list: https://boardgamegeek.com/collection/user/jonhoo?subtype=boardgame&ff=1
- Doppelkopf: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Doppelkopf
- Hanabi Slack bot: https://github.com/jonhoo/hanabot
- [@0:00:00] Introduction
- [@0:00:53] Send and structs with raw pointers
- [@0:01:15] Stream about current setup
- [@0:02:24] Safe transmute
- [@0:03:11] The map behind me
- [@0:03:45] What do you do outside of work?
- [@0:05:14] Learning Rust at AWS
- [@0:06:51] Rust GUI
- [@0:07:21] Adding a new OS to Rust
- [@0:08:21] What do you do at AWS?
- [@0:09:29] Casting pointers to/from usize
- [@0:11:42] “Rust is Hard”
- [@0:13:14] scoped threads
- [@0:14:35] Breakpoints in async Rust
- [@0:16:45] Plan to write more books?
- [@0:18:07] A trait for “owned value”
- [@0:19:03] “Good Reasons to Avoid Rust”
- [@0:21:28] Adding Redox support to Rust
- [@0:22:46] Will Rust be ready for web dev?
- [@0:24:19] VIM tutorials?
- [@0:25:53] Why is mem::forget safe?
- [@0:26:37] Communicating between Rust processes
- [@0:27:52] Learning C++ before Rust
- [@0:28:35] NLL stabilization
- [@0:29:39] Where in Europe would you live?
- [@0:32:12] Mutably borrowing disjoint slice parts
- [@0:32:49] Hazard pointers
- [@0:34:38] Internet speeds
- [@0:36:59] What language will you try next?
- [@0:39:37] Is C++ still useful?
- [@0:41:40] How do you get confident in teaching?
- [@0:43:46] Next stream topic
- [@0:45:55] async vs threads
- [@0:48:38] Does Rust make programs more secure?
- [@0:50:22] Suggesting stream ideas
- [@0:51:40] Distribute systems streams
- [@0:52:55] What’s your keyboard?
- [@0:54:00] Scientific computing in Rust
- [@0:55:00] Why are distributed systems hairy?
- [@0:56:22] Most joyful luxury item
- [@0:58:15] Public transportation in LA
- [@0:59:38] Favorite board game(s)
- [@1:05:53] More luxury item discussion
- [@1:07:52] Cats!
- [@1:10:10] Writing bots for learning
- [@1:10:45] TV shows
- [@1:11:38] Is Jay a llama or an alpaca?
- [@1:12:18] Wordplay (and naming things)
- [@1:13:23] Is English your first language?
- [@1:14:32] Going to SHUX? RustConf?
- [@1:15:12] Streaming non-programming content?
- [@1:16:13] Topics you found hard to grasp?
- [@1:17:49] Video games
- [@1:19:39] Making me pick up a stream topic
- [@1:20:21] Why not Counter Strike again?
- [@1:21:20] Rounding off